Amethyst is committed to contribute to the professional development of doctors and physicists in the area of cancer care and radiotherapy, throughout their career.
Residents and Students
Many Amethyst centres have educational agreements with institutions and offer residency as well as apprenticeship opportunities for junior doctors and physicists. Below are just a few examples of what we do.
Radiotherapy Centre Amethyst in Krakow systematically cooperates with universities to provide training and education for new specialists and scientists. During May and June 2019, the centre had 17 students studying electro-radiology from the Jagiellonian University – Collegium Medicum. They worked in five groups of several people. Their program covered 15 hours of apprenticeship.
“Our rule for apprentices is to work in small groups, because only then can we achieve satisfactory educational results. We want to show students real clinical work, the patient flow process and allow them to get familiar with the equipment. This approach allows students to understand the concept of radiotherapy” – Krzysztof Czaja, physicist at Amethyst Healthcare Centre in Krakow
Amethyst Radiotherapy Center, is cooperating with the Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University. Fifth-year students of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences of this university have been educated at our center since 2021 in the course – Oncology and palliative care.
The head of this course is Dr. Marcin Hetnal, medical director of the Amethyst Radiotherapy Center and head of the Radiotherapy Department at the Rydygier Hospital in Krakow.
The subject Oncology and palliative care include 30 hours of lectures and tutorials and 45 hours of exercises. Specialised doctors who share their professional experience have been invited to conduct classes. The program will also include work with a psychologist on communication with the patient and his family. Students have the opportunity to learn about the operation of multispecialty teams and specialised equipment, as part of the classes are practical.
Jagiellonian University – the oldest and most prestigious university in the country, cooperates with us in the training of students studying at the Faculty of Health Sciences – specialinoc Management in Health Care – student internships for first- and second-year students
AGH University of Science and Technology – the best school in Poland educating on technical and engineering faculties within the framework of wsópópeacy we conduct practical classes for students of the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science from the specialization Medical Physics.
Students of Electroradiology at the Higher School “Humanitas” in Sosnowiec undergo vocational training at our school in the field of electroradiology.
For the National Institute of Oncology in Krakow we organise specialisation internships for the profession of Medical Physicist in the field of Brachytherapy.
Thanks to our cooperation with the University Hospital in Krakow, doctors during their specialisation and undergo supplementary internships in radiotherapy with us.
Students at the Krakow Post-secondary Medical School undergo summer internships and apprenticeships with us before obtaining their final diplomas.
Our greatest achievement is the entrusting of our centre for specialty training in radiotherapy, so far, we have educated 7 specialists, currently we have 6 residents in the process of specialisation.
Radiotherapy Centre Amethyst in Cluj is a centre for resident practice in different specialties: oncology, radiotherapy and clinical pharmacy. In 2019, 7 residents are part of the team, learning practical aspects of their future jobs with an average of 9 months practice in our facility. The Physics department has 3 Physics students in practice, with a total amount of 168 hours of practice.
The Cluj centre also have contracts to receive SEP and Erasmus Pharmacy students during summer holidays, where they can learn the functioning of an oncological pharmacy.
Two Portuguese Pharmacy students finished their practice in March 2020.
Continuing Professional Development
In many countries, Amethyst offers continuing education programmes to physicians, such as post-graduate courses (EPU in France), or specialised symposiums and conferences.
For instance, in Romania, Cluj-Napoca clinic has been regularly organising a Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium since 2016.
Cluj-Napoca is one of the most important centres for head and neck cancer due to well-known surgical departments performing the majority of diagnostic biopsies and major surgeries such as laryngectomies, mandibular resections with bone reconstructions and neck dissections in western Romania.
The Amethyst clinic in Cluj-Napoca was the first centre to perform IMRT for head and neck cancers in the region becoming quickly an important member in the management network of this type of cancers.
In partnership with the surgical departments Dr. Renata Zahu organized the first Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Symposium ( in 2016.
This was a greatsuccess with more than 120 participants.
In the following years two more editions followed with 200 participants specialized in head and neck cancer care: surgeons, oncologists, radiotherapists, pathologists.
Our clinic participated not just as a sponsor and organizer but also with several speakers from our radiotherapy and medical oncology department.
With a joint effort of our team and with more than 250 Head and neck cases treated each year, the Amethyst Cluj Clinic is recognized as one of the most important centres with high expertise in the field.